
  1. Wednesday Service Resumes

    We offer our Mid-day service services @ 12:20 pm.

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  2. Zion Church Weather Policy  

    At Zion Church, the safety of our community is our top priority.

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  3. Lessons and Carols

    Please join us for a Bilingual Service December 29, at 10 am

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  4. Office and Church Closing!

    The church and the office will be closed December 23rd and will re open January 2nd

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  5. Spread the Holiday Cheer: Donate in Honor or in Memory of a Loved One(S) or friend(s)! 

    As the holiday season approaches, we invite you to contribute to the festive atmosphere by making a donation towards signs, decorations, beautiful poinsettias, or uplifting music for our Christmas celebrations. 

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